11 November, 2010

Life is like running a marathon!

Whenever I train myself or others for a marathon race, it is the journey that I learn the most from. It has never been the race itself. The race is usually completed in a matter of hours while the training journey lasts for months or even years. Over the years, it has been the journey that has presented the most challenging of circumstances - physically and psychologically, for self and training others.

I am always thankful for all the challenges as they have certainly made me stronger and have broaden my perspectives on things and life as a whole. It is so interesting that how we deal with our marathon journey reflects how we actually deal with issues and challenges we face every day in our own lives.

I have come to learn that life is not a sprint! We can not simply sprint our way through with blinkers on to get to that one destination. Life is a magnificent gift given to us to test our endurance, patience, and perseverance, very much like training for a marathon. We usually have a BIG overall plan or objective for ourselves and we make smaller plans or check points along the way. It's pretty much how I plan the marathon trainings for myself and the Fifth Ray runners. Life is fragile and it is so important that we value it. If we choose to abuse or neglect ourselves, life can be short-lived and that is truly a dis-service to the beautiful life that you have been blessed with.

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