21 August, 2010

A HUG To Remember...

I had a session with a 6-year old Autistic boy today. It was our 10th session and a much celebrated one maybe just to me but a celebrated one nevertheless =o)

We have always made good progress during our sessions. The sessions have helped him to establish good eye-contact when speaking and spoken to which is something very difficult for most autistic children. His attention has also improved significantly and he is now able to conceptualize verbal instructions given.

However, the icing on the cake is what happened today. During the session, he initiated a conversation with me and we were able to carry out a two-way conversation briefly. I was over the moon as I usually have to probe for a respond which is usually a 'Yes' or 'No'. Today, he looked at me and pointed to the wall and said "paint". I responded "Yes, do you like it?" He said, "Yes." I asked "Who do you think painted it?" He pointed at me with a smile and said, "Auntie". It may have been monosyllabic on his part but to me, it was a conversation and a far cry from our usual yes/no interactions.

And there is more... When our session was done, we said bye. He played with my hair and then stood at the door rubbing his eyes and looked upset. I held his hands and asked him what is wrong. He looked at me and gave me a HUG! My heart melted - was he trying to tell me that he was sad to leave? I don't know but of course a part of me wish that it was so =o) Then his mother said to me, he is really comfortable with you to be touching you and hugging you. I can't help but think how blessed I am to be given these rare windows of opportunities to make a difference in the life of a child. I Simply Love What I Do! =o)

Live YOUR Life!

I had a conversation with a friend the other day and we happened to chat about living our lives courageously. My friend lamented that very often we live our lives based on the expectations of others around us and end up being too cautious with the decisions we make that define our lives.

My respond to her was "Others may have expectations of us... However, we are only to live up to our expectations! Because we live our lives for OURSELVES and not for others!" Many of us get caught up in the web of trying very hard to please the people around us that we forget to live our lives for ourselves.

This is not the first time I have had such a conversation with someone and I feel that it is really important to share...

I am always from the standpoint that we must be complete within ourselves before we are able to give to others with all our hearts. If we live our lives for others, often times we come from emptiness as our very own happiness is based on the happiness of other around us. But are we truly happy? Think about it. But if you are truly happy and whole within yourself to begin with... You will be more complete as a person and will be able to bring and give happiness and joy to all around you with you even trying. Isn't this a better choice? =o) So make the right choice for yourself and Live YOUR Life!

11 August, 2010

No More Tears!

Today was our third session with a 4-year old boy who experiences separation anxiety with just the thought of being away from his mother. Our first two sessions were, of course, filled with tears and the need for mommy to sit in on the sessions.

However, there was no more tears today during the entire duration of our movement therapy session. There were initial tears when he arrived at the center, before we commenced session. He was still crying when I brought him into the room without his mother. I explained to him that mommy was not going anywhere and will be at the reception area waiting for him. We went through the steps that was previously taught to him to remain calm and he stopped crying. He looked at me and calmly said... "Mommy will wait for me outside." And I smiled and replied "Yes... she will be there waiting."

We went through our session with NO MORE TEARS! He even laughed and managed to maintain his focus on the tasks at hand very well. He is no less anxious and is definitely more confident of self. I am looking forward to our No More Tears sessions =o)

07 August, 2010

Twinkle in the eyes

Today, I saw a 'twinkle' in the eyes of one of the children I have been teaching. When we first started our therapy sessions, he would have difficulty attempting or persevering through new challenges. The same phrase keeps popping out and that is "It's too hard" or "It's too difficult" or "I can't do this".

Over the weeks, we have been building on his confidence and perseverance. During today's session, he was attempting a very trying task. Half-way through the activity when he needed a short rest break, he kept saying to himself, "I CAN DO THIS!!" I looked at him and I told him, "Yes! You certainly can!" And saw a 'twinkle' in his eyes of believe.

The words he repeated to himself were like music to my ears. I can't describe the feeling except that I have a Smile etched on my face since the session =o) It's a Beautiful Day!

04 August, 2010

Thank You!

I've been receiving thank you emails during the past week from present and past Fifth Ray runners. The present runners shared with me how they are enjoying the programme and how happy they are to see the progress they are making. Especially, those that never thought the milestones were ever possible. The past runners shared with me how they are able to translate all that they have learned through our Fifth Ray programme into what they are doing in their lives currently. It is so wonderful to know that we are able to touch the lives of others beyond our programmes.

It is always heart-warming to read these emails as it is a reflection of the lives we have touched and continue to be of service to. We truly thank you all for your emails and for the opportunities you have all given us to journey with you. Truly appreciate the sharing =o)