19 May, 2007

There's Always Another Race... Another Day!

It's been a almost two months since my last entry... The ladies in The First Stride Programme are getting into their running routine and making good progress. They have a few races in mind as targets for them to work towards. It is wonderful to see the drive and motivation in them to strive for their dreams. On another note, the duathlon is tomorrow and I was very much looking forward to the race as I've never participated in a duathlon before. However, a few days back, I fell ill and have developed a nasty cough. Physically, I am in no shape to race. Guess most of us would have been there... and you start to find reasons to justify that you will be alright and well enough to race. So can you image me finding excuses over the last few days that I will be well enough to race! You can say I was in denial! Hoping against hope that I will fully recover by tomorrow. Well... I don't think it's going to be the case and I have come to my better senses to give the race a miss and give my body the rest it needs... When we fall ill, it's our body's way of telling us that we need to rest. There's always another race... another day! For all those who are participating in the duathlon, all the best and have fun!