19 July, 2010

Running Therapy

I received an email from one of my runners this morning about how running has helped her handle an emotional 'crisis'. Running certainly has this unspoken ability to provide many of us with much clarity and objectivity amidst emotional turmoil within self. I have experienced it myself too. It doesn't matter what challenges you face, with every given step you take, you feel more empowered. And you become BIGGER than the situation you are faced with.

I would like to share with you what she sent to me:

"Last night I was placed in a very challenging and hurting situation, yet I had to behave normal and expressionless in front of some people, at the point in time, the feeling was really terrible, is like having a laser sharp knife slicing through every part of me..... I was lost for a moment then...

Suddenly, running came to my mind....and the thought of it gave me a sense of comfort and strength. So I decided to leave the place and fortunately, I had my running gear with me. So I went for a long long long run. Every step that strike the ground, I felt stronger and better. It helped me to regain my confident and brought my senses back.

When I finally stopped and it was way past midnight.... But the feeling was GREAT!!! And I was back to my normal self... I was so happy that I almost wanted to sms you my coach, to thank you for training me to do long endurance runs and stay positive!!. :)"


  1. Whoever you are, be proud. Running has hauled me out of a mental crisis too. Its not something you can fix with a sticking plaster. Running makes me strong and helps me put things into perspective. I'm so glad that you are training with Swee.

  2. Running has also helped me through a personal crisis. Running makes me strong and puts things into perspective. It is not "just" running. Running is a tool wherby you can empower yourself and face any situation. I'm so glad you are running with Swee, as we share a common thread.

  3. Running makes me forget my problems...I love running it makes me strong too...:D

